International logistics in MEA

International logistics: Challenges and Opportunities in MEA

International logistics: Challenges and Opportunities in MEA

International logistics: Challenges and Opportunities in MEA

International logistics in MEA


Having as objectives distribution costs optimization, and quality management improvement; international logistics refers to the process of planning, managing, and tracking your goods from acquisition and storage to customer purchase.

It includes and is not only limited to distribution channels, inventory management, shipping schedules, security measures, etc… Nevertheless, you need to keep your feet on the ground and be realistic when facing these challenges:

Discover the international logistics main challenges in the MEA

Discrepant Duties:

Countless are the middle-eastern and African retailers who have had enough with the inaccuracy of taxes resulting in a delay in their order fulfillment and a drastic loss of money. This issue often takes place during sea shipments and is dependent upon the country to and from which you are shipping. To top it all, it has been proved the BREXIT and new VAT regulations have also made international fulfillment kind of harder for many e-commerce holders.

Packaging Inadequacies:

You are most likely to encounter this problem in ports that impose rules when it comes to packaging.

If you have come across this issue with your logistics partner once or worst still you’re still doing DIY fulfillment, then you can bid farewell to optimal order lead time and customer satisfaction. As much as it pains to say, but this kind of problem is very common in the MEA region.

Inadequate Classification:

Incorrect classification of goods arises whether from a simple human mistake or from an inaccurate product description. The more it is ambiguous, the more time it’ll take to get your orders delivered.

Ever heard of what doesn’t kill your business makes it stronger? Now, it’s time to look at the bright side of international logistics!

Check our article : 10 Global Logistics Challenges in China (Solved With #1 Tool)!

Process Automation for Accurate Fulfillment:

The first question you should ask yourself while looking for the right logistics provider is “to what extent can this 3PL partner facilitate data and resources management?” It is crucial that you get a whole overview of your operations to be able to constantly assess what has been going wrong and right.

In fact, data speaks louder than words! When dealing with international logistics the costs of which can be affected by many external circumstances, you need to keep an eye on your whole supply chain management.

How is that possible? Simply opting for a 3PL partner that offers tailor-made software through which you’ll be able to track your orders, stock, and returns in the 4 corners of the world!

From order facilitation to seamless integration, Fulfillment Bridge has built an end-to-end solution ensuring:

  • integration with different e-commerce platforms including Noon, Woocommerce, Amazon, and Shopify to reach customers worldwide.
  • inventory centralizing
  • order fulfillment tracking
  • reports extraction and data-driven decisions
  • lack of human mistake

The 2021 Goldmine: Late Millennials and Early Gen Zers!

A study carried out by Absolute Market Insights tackling the ​​Middle East and AfricaFreight and Cargo Market shows that a huge portion of consumers encapsulates young shoppers. Tech-savvies and digital natives as they are called, late Millenials and early Gen-zers have been spinning the wheel of e-commerce.

Known for their sharpness when it comes to the use of technology, this niche has become the primary focus of many retailers, especially in the MEA region. If you are a newbie in e-commerce and would like to step into the international market, bear in mind that the more you narrow your focus, the better it is for your business. Starting by targeting young shoppers around the world is a great step towards finding your way to the international market!

Upscaled Infrastructure:

As it is mentioned in the Saudi 2030 vision report; “Our specific goal is to exceed 90 percent housing coverage in densely populated cities and 66 percent in other urban zones.” warehousing accessibility and facilities are considered as a vantage point in international logistics.

As simple as it is, you cannot target markets abroad unless you’ve got where to stock your goods. With this also comes the importance of parcel insurance and pick-and-pack services. At Fulfillment Bridge, our motto is “they say home is where the heart is, we say home is where your warehouse is.” 

Book a FREE Consultancy with our Experts TODAY!

Multimodal Transportation:

Air, marine, rail, road; all of these constitute the puzzle of logistics transportation in the MEA region. This multimodal transportation plays a major role in facilitating the logistics process.

The Middle East and Africa have a lot of geographical advantages that can enhance cross-regional fulfillment. E-commerce businesses seeking to attract more customers need to have at least a regional focus to make sure it is standing still.

Optimal Logistics Packages:

Cost-effective and customer-centric strategies put into words the mindset of an e-commerce business holder. You need to have the flair for spotting a 3PL partner that understands your needs and offers reasonable costs with some competitive advantages to help you increase your margin of profit.

Sounds like looking for a needle in a haystack? Look no further. At Fulfillment Bridge, we offer a recurrent FREE storage coupon including Hong Kong, China, Australia, and New Zealand.

Fulfillment Beyond the Region:

Access to the international market is a strong asset that 3PL partners provide. It has become possible for MEA retailers nowadays to compete with e-commerce leading countries such as China, the USA, UK, and others!

Our connected multi-warehousing channel allows retailers at Fulfillment Bridge to break new grounds and penetrate new markets! Spread over 5 different continents, our warehouses are your ticket to the global market!


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