Crowdfunding fulfillment

Crowdfunding Fulfillment

Congratulations on your successful crowdfunding campaign! Now it’s time to fulfill your orders and reward your backers! Fulfillment bridge helps you create a memorable experience with its fast and hassle-free crowdfunding fulfillment services. You can count on us for batch fulfillment, cross-docking, packaging, and – the one thing all your backers want – tracking.

Crowdfunding Fulfillment

Upload your backer’s addresses into the system with a single click

Unlike other 3PL providers, Fulfillment Bridge gives you complete control over your crowdfunding fulfillment process, from data import to batching and more.

Our intuitive software automatically integrates with either Indiegogo & Kickstarter platforms as well as your shopping cart, ensuring a smooth, simplified, and fast onboarding.

Easy use Crowdfunding fulfillment solution

Reach your global backers affordably and faster

Take advantage of our powerful tech-driven fulfillment solution and apply advanced rules for the fast and efficient crowdfunding fulfillment process.

You can easily choose an assortment of product offerings and get them ready for cross-docking and proper packaging.

We split your inventory across our global network of fulfillment warehouses to ship to your backers around the world.

Provide your backers with a rewarding experience so they can support your upcoming crowdfunding fulfillment. Let Fulfillment Bridge help with your logistic process.

Get Started

Keep a constant eye on your shipped orders

Automate the tracking updates of your backers. Experience a 360-degree full transparent view into your product supply line so you can keep all your backers updated on their rewards location and the expected delivery time.

Crowdfunding Parcel Insurance

Insurance Coverage and return management

Dealing with returns can be onerous, especially if you are shipping globally.

We simplify returns management by offering customized and cost-effective reverse logistic solutions. We also provide an insurance coverage program for that extra peace of mind.

Save time & start shipping to your crowdfunding backers worldwide with Fulfillment Bridge.

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